Dec 10, 2022Liked by Vaughn Cordle, CFA

The Democrats assume the 'rich' will be able to pay sufficient taxes to pay for all their give-aways that are similar to the EU and other countries that have 'free' healthcare and other public benefits. The trouble is, there isn't enough money among the rich for all the give-aways. It means they will have to start taxing the middle c;lass at levels previously unheard of in the US. Tax rates of 40% won't be rare, they will be the base! As a result, initiative and other production-leveraging efforts will gradually disappear. It will be a vicious spiral down.

While the Democrats think it's cruel to compel people to work rather than sit around and collect free benefits, it's a very bad policy if you want a strong economy. A strong economy comes from strong people, not people on welfare or 'guaranteed' income. Nothing in life is guaranteed; we all have to work to survive in one way or another.

It's time to start eliminating the debt by encouraging reinvestment in the US, not with give-aways but with a set of intelligent policies and more limited government. It's time to redistribute government, to the states. Reduce the size of the bureaucracy in the Beltway; cut regulations, and free-up initiative (and the opportunity to fail, and learn).

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Excellent summary Ted! The government is like an aggressive weed...hard to kill and it smoothers everything else. Great idea...redistribute government to the states. The fools want to spend our money to buy votes which enlarges government.

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