The challenge we have is to address and counteract the MSM. As an example, the NYT has recently been carrying-on about Rep-elect Santos lying about his qualifications. Despite this being his 2nd attempt at the office, they haven't paid sufficient attention to his qualifications until after he was elected. Now, their 'hair is on fire'. All this despite the disinformation reports about the laptop story which, as is pointed-out, was really non-reporting of factually accurate information.

The question is really whose lie is worse? Santos or Biden? It's likely Biden is worse despite Santos deliberately misstating his qualifications/background and not correcting the record until after the fact (and NYT 'revelations'). In Biden's case, he used his favorite tactic, plausible deniability, and didn't say anything about the laptop; he allowed the MSM to do the deed (lying through deliberate ignorance). He could have lied and denied the truth but he didn't he dodged the truth. From my perspective, they are both bad but in Biden's case, we have to deal with him for 4 years while Santos's district must only deal with him for 2 years (or they may re-elect him). That's 435 * 2 different and worse if we include the 100 senators to 'offset' Biden's allowance of a lie.

Santos has done everyone (Left and Right) a favor. He has pointed out the laziness of the press to investigate anything. He is proving the media to be a shallow and willing tool of the Left. How long will this last?

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Thanks for the feedback. Biden's lies kill people.

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